

I will not be pulled in!

Dangit.  The Voice happened to be on and this dude comes out with his guitar and starts singing, "The Thrill is Gone."  He sounds JUST like Jonny Lang.  Adam Levine turned for him, and so did Jennifer Hudson.  And then Blake did at the last minute.  And Kelly regretted that she did not.  This guy is good.

I do not want to be pulled into this show this season.  But man, he was good.  The Voice is such a time suck each week, and I just don't want to.  However, if I see on commercials that Michael Lee is still in the game as the show gets closer to the finals, I'll tune in then.

Here's his audition.

Meanwhile, where is Jonny Lang anyway?  Here's a taste from 1997.

Don't they sound just alike?!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

They do sound alike! I've had never actually seen Jonny Lang before. He's cute.

Don't get uscked in! It's all the same old, same old.