

Is this thing on?

Well, hello there!

I've been thinking for a few months about starting this blog back up. I hadn't done it yet because, frankly, I don't even know if people still read blogs. It seems people nowadays are posting blog-like content on Substack, but I'm not really interested in getting subscribers and all that.

A few months ago, I re-read, Are You There God, It's Me Margaret, which I followed up by watching the movie, and then I watched a great documentary about Judy Blume. In the documentary, she talked about writing Wifey and I wondered if I'd ever posted about that book before. I searched my blog, and to my delight, discovered that I had indeed written about it. And the post was actually pretty good, if I do say so myself. (See: Please, let me explain, January 29, 2019).

Reading it reminded me of the fun I had writing it. It also showed me that I like having old posts to refer back to as reminders of what was going on in my life. It's similar to reading old journals (which I also did recently and found it to be quite amusing) and realized even if no one reads blogs anymore, I like writing them as reminders for myself--reminders of what I've seen, read, listened to, and why I liked (or didn't like) what I saw, read, or heard. If others happen to come across the blog and enjoy what I write, all the better.

More recently, I got an email notification that a blogger who I used to read and then followed on social media posted something new to his blog. I thought, you know, that's a good idea. I'm gonna do it too. So, here I am.

It feels good.


laurarodin said...

If your actual blog is as interesting as this piece about WHY you are resuming your blog, I have something to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

What Laura said! 🥰🥰🥰